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Tested & Doubting

We all have doubts and that is why testing is an important part of our faith, even if we hate the trial.

Small Faith

This is my encouragement to Home Church. My family and the people of Home Church are God's gifts to me and they represent the very best of my life.

An Honest Skeptic

You can deny that God exists, but have you approached this subject with honesty.

If God is Real?

Your answer to this question brings with it eternal consequences. 

How Much Faith is Enough?

Are you subject to great bouts of unbelief? Do you have a little faith? Would you believe that if your faith is as small as a grain of mustard seed, you could accomplish much? 

Dare to Dream Big

When we cease to dream, we cease to really live life. Faith turns our dreams into reality. Will you risk everything to see your dreams come true?

Stretched Beyond Your Limits

“I can't take anymore”, you say, only to discover that you have passed another test of your questionable faith. Faith must be tried and tested to prove itself real. There is no use complaining, you cannot reach the treasure without pressure.

Courage to do the Right Thing

Roger and Faith gave up a secure career in Silicon Valley, sold their home and moved to Rwanda, where they pioneered a ministry to orphans made homeless because of the genocide in 1994. This required courage of a rare sort.

Is Your God Big Enough?

If your concept of God is diminished by your need to be in control, your life will be meager at best. Since I cannot comprehend the greatness of God, I look to His wonders among the stars and planets He created to enlarge my thinking. Look at the universe described in this video and see 'How Big is Your God.'

Image by Aaron Burden

Faith is not an attribute of self-confidence, nor is it positive thinking; without it life ceased to be an adventure.  



4life Creations is an online ministry designed to reach a multitude of busy people on the go, who want to learn more about God.  


Phoenix, AZ


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@2015 Created by 4life Ministry 

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